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25 Fun and Engaging Activities to Make Special Time with Your Child Truly Special

One of my parenting resolutions this year was to have regular Special Time with each of my three children.

So one day, I asked my 7-year-old son Max if he wanted to have a playdate with me, just the two of us. He was thrilled by the idea because, as the oldest brother, he rarely got alone time with me. 

I asked him what he wanted to do, and he confidently suggested we play Minecraft together. Even though I’m not a big fan of the game, I went along with it. 

Following your child’s lead is important, experts say. 

So we played Minecraft. Well, Max played, and I just sat next to him and occasionally asked questions. When our Special Time was up, Max burst into tears. Apparently, playing Minecraft with me – quote – “wasn’t fun”.

Now our goal was to find the best ways to have fun together.

After some trial and error, here is the list of 25 quality time activities that my kids enjoyed the most during our Special Time:

1. Rough and tumble play. 

That’s the king of Special Time. And super important for the little people’s development.

2. Drawing together. 

Whether it’s a YouTube tutorial, playing Pictionary or just taking turns in collaborative drawing, my boys loved it.

3. Making paper craft. 

Origami always blows their mind – how can you make so many things from paper?!

4. Make a DIY project or craft. 

That’s for the days when they say: “Can we make a toy/bird feeder/etc?”

5. Cook together. 

And then eating together. Who doesn’t love food?

6. Make a potion. 

Mixing different foods or shampoo, glitters, and mud is always great fun. As a bonus, you can turn it into a role-play after. My boys love turning me into different animals with their potions. Or we also play the love potion game (inspired by Playful Parenting – check out our notes).

7. Teach them a simple skill. 

Or ask them to teach you something. Playing a simple tune on a piano, sewing buttons or practising on a jumping rope. 

8. Do something kind (aka acts of kindness).

Super powerful activity. And science suggests that engaging in acts of kindness boost happiness level. 

9. Read a book together. 

We all love books. Sometimes it’s the best way to connect and learn something new together.

10. Going through their childhood and babyhood pictures. 

Every child loves it. My boys also love to watch videos from our holidays.

11. Play their favourite game. 

As simple as that. Football, Monopoly, or maybe UNO? Again, follow your child’s lead and approach it with a Playful Parenting mindset. 

12. Research a topic they are interested in.

Little people love asking questions. So sometimes, doing research together, watching educational videos on YouTube or visiting a museum is a powerful way to connect. 

13. Build a fort together. 

And then have a picnic inside. What a treat!

14. Watch the clouds. 

And make stories about what you see. It’s fun.

15.  Do a science experiment together. 

Science is fascinating and sometimes looks like magic. And everybody loves magic. 

16. Go for a walk in the park. 

Sometimes that’s everything that you need. It’s always more fun if there are muddy puddles on the way.

17. Have a picnic outside. 

Always a winner.

18. Journal together. 

Especially helpful (and fun) when they are trying to figure something out.

19. Go on a bike ride. 

Very simple, yet fun.

20. Have a dance party. 

And dance like nobody’s watching. Dressing up is optional (although always fun).

21. Create a scavenger hunt around the house. 

It requires a bit of preparation from your side, but kids love it. Especially if there is a special prize at the end.

22. Have a pirate dinner. 

Got this idea from Gretchen Rubin’s fantastic book The Happiness Project, and it’s very simple. Grab a washable (or disposable) tablecloth and just dump their dinner in the middle. No plates, no forks. Talking like a pirate is a must, though.

23. Play water guns. 

Or water bombs. They’ll jump for joy.

24. Watch funny videos together. 

Cute animals are the best. 

25. Have a dress-up party when a child wears your clothes.

Kids love pretending to be their mums and dads. Or ghosts in dad’s T-shirts. Always fun.

So there you have it, 25 awesome quality time ideas that have helped me and my children bond and have fun during our special time together. But don’t just take my word for it – go ahead and give them a shot! 

Remember, the key to making your Special Time truly special is to follow your child’s lead and approach each activity with a Playful Parenting mindset. 

Which ones are you most excited to try? Is there anything that is always a winner on your Special Time dates? Let me know in the comments below.

Loads of love,


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