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14 Date Night Ideas to Reignite the Spark (Without Leaving Home!)

Raising tiny humans is pure joy, but let’s be honest – between the whirlwind of laughter and tears, the to-do list that seems to stretch to infinity and beyond, it’s easy to feel like your love life gets lost in the shuffle. But here’s the secret sauce for happily ever after: make time for each other, no matter what.

Relationship expert John Gottman hit the nail on the head: date nights are the glue that holds relationships together. And guess what? They don’t have to be fancy nights out. But they have to be scheduled.

Making date nights a priority was one of my resolutions in the Wise Parenting Project, and here are the three key lessons I’ve learned:

  • You don’t need to break the bank to make sparks fly.
  • Memorable dates hinge on authentic conversation (and really listening).
  • And they thrive on a sprinkle of playfulness.

So, forget the “no babysitter” excuses. All you need for a killer date night as a parent is a dash of creativity, an open mind, and kids who are snug in their beds.

And since it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ve got a special treat for you: 14 Date Night Ideas To Keep Your Relationship Intimate and Thriving. The best part? They won’t break the bank, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home.

So, grab your partner, dim the lights, and let’s keep that flame burning brighter than ever!

14 Date Nights Ideas to keep your relationship intimate and thriving:

1 – Do Something New Together

As Suzie Pileggi Pawelski and James Pawelski point out in Happy Together: “Research shows that seeking out and engaging in fun, exhilarating, and novel activities can increase mutual attraction and promote a healthy passion in intimate relationships.” Whether it’s whipping up a culinary masterpiece with a YouTube guide, hosting a dazzling cocktail party for two in your cozy living room, or unleashing your creativity with a relaxing paint-by-numbers session, the key is to choose activities you both find enjoyable.

2 – Play Board Games

Games are a fantastic way to get into a “flow state,” sparking positive emotions and creating opportunities for connection. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just looking for some lighthearted fun, ditch the pressure to win and focus on enjoying the experience together.

Opt for your favourite board game or explore couple-specific games designed to ignite the flames of passion. You can also add a playful spice to classic card games like UNO with a fun “strip twist” (modify this depending on your comfort level).

3 – Plan Your Next Trip

This date is all about igniting your wanderlust by planning your next trip from the comfort of your couch. Whether it’s a local day trip, a relaxing weekend getaway, or a dream vacation, planning something exciting fuels the fire of shared adventure and gives you something to eagerly look forward to.

4 – Watch Something Funny Together

This date is all about unleashing the laughs and generating positive emotions! Catch a comedy show, binge funny videos on YouTube, or pull playful pranks (consensually!). Remember, shared laughter strengthens bonds, so choose fun activities that tickle both your funny bones.

5 – Get Physical

Physical touch isn’t just about intimacy, it’s a powerful love language! Whether enjoying a massage, trying partner yoga, or dancing close together, explore physical activities that spark intimacy and deepen your bond. Remember, consent and comfort are key, so choose activities you both enjoy!

6 – Love Letters Night

Studies show that continually showing appreciation fuels intimacy and connection. This date night invites you to dive deep into gratitude and shower your partner with heartfelt appreciation. As simply as it sounds, write each other love letters and then read them together. Be authentic. You can use our “Things I appreciate about you” template from our article A Simple Way To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level as a guideline.

7 – Write a Bucket List

Create a shared vision board or a simple checklist – a “bucket list for two” – filled with adventures you dream of experiencing together. From skydiving to learning a new language, let your imaginations run wild! Stick it on the fridge and tick off each experience as you embark on them, creating lasting memories and strengthening your bond with each adventure.

8 – Write Your Family Manifesto

Happy couples know where they’re headed. So the Manifesto date is a powerful way to create a shared vision, a roadmap to “happily ever after” tailored to you two. Our How to Write a Family Manifesto guide offers step-by-step inspiration for this date – check it out.

9 – Make a Time Capsule

Creating a romantic time capsule is like hitting pause on the clock of life. For this date, gather photos, keepsakes such as concert stubs, or perhaps that go-to recipe you both adore. Then, jot down your fondest memories (plenty of templates are available online) and compose a heartfelt letter to your future selves. Bury it in the garden or hide it deep away. Fast forward a few years and have a Romantic Nostalgia Night, reliving those special moments and marveling at how your love has grown!

10 – Explore Each Others Strengths

Inspired by Suzie Pileggi Pawelski’s and James Pawelski’s book Happy Together, this date is all about exploring your unique strengths through the VIA Survey. Grab a glass of wine, take the quiz together, and be surprised by the insights you uncover! To amplify the fun, plan three “character strength dates” based on your results, each focused on a strength you both possess.

11 – Have a Romantic Nostalgia Night

Science says reminiscing can deepen your connection with your partner, as well as boost commitment and your relationship satisfaction! So this “Romantic Nostalgia Date” revolves around savoring shared memories. Flip through photos, watch old videos, and reminisce with questions like“When did you realize you were in love with me?” and “What were some of our most romantic moments?” Prepare to be surprised by forgotten gems, rekindle love’s flame, and deepen your connection!

12 – Have a Dream Big Night

Dreams are important. Your dreams. Your partner’s dreams. And the dreams you have together. As John Gottman writes in Eight Dates, “dreaming together, and supporting each other in pursuing individual dreams, is just as critical for your relationship as trust, commitment, and sex.”So this date is all about exploring your aspirations, both individual and shared. Use the Dream Levels exercise from his book (downloadable here!) to identify your deepest desires, then discuss how you can support each other in making them a reality. Remember, dreams are the fuel of a fulfilling future, together.

13 – Have a Soul Gazing Night

Studies suggest that prolonged eye contact can boost feelings of mutual understanding and closeness, thanks to the release of oxytocin. So, why not give the Soul Gazing exercise a shot on your date? Sit facing each other, with your knees almost touching, and maintain eye contact for 3-5 minutes (blinking is allowed!). If silence feels awkward, select a meaningful song and continue gazing until it concludes. Get ready for a profound conversation sparked by this intimate connection! (Check out this video – it’s incredibly touching!)

14 – Have a “Favourite Things Night”

We all have those special things that instantly brighten our mood—whether it’s a favorite food, a game, or something else entirely. So, why not infuse your day with positivity and enjoyment by having a “Favourite Things” date? It’s easy: each of you selects three things that never fail to uplift the other’s spirits. Whether it’s indulging in a favourite dish, having a home spa, or anything else that brings joy, share these experiences together. You can even turn it into a fun game! Here’s an example to get you started.

The Bottom Line:

So there you have it – 14 date night ideas to keep your relationship sizzling even when leaving home is not an option.

Bonus Tip: If the thought of planning a date night feels overwhelming, start small! Pick one idea from this list and do it spontaneously. Remember, even a few minutes of quality time can make a big difference.

Remember, with a little creativity and a whole lot of laughter, you can turn your ordinary evenings into extraordinary adventures. So put down your phones, pick up your partner, and get ready to make some memories that your future selves will thank you for.

Loads of love,


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