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NSDR: Quick Energy Hack for Sleep-Deprived Parents

In my last post, I talked about the sneaky supervillain that not only sabotages my gentle parenting efforts but also wreaks havoc on my self-regulation, productivity, mood, and everything in between – a sleepless night.

Now, let’s talk solutions. I’m excited to introduce you to a scientifically-backed protocol that has been a game-changer for me personally. It’s a remedy that refills your energy tank after a sleepless night and swiftly guides you back to your zen zone in just 10 to 20 minutes, empowering you to embody the calm and gentle parent you aspire to be.

Enter NSDR – Non Sleep Deep Rest. The tool every sleep deprived parent needs.

A Science-Backed Protocol To Boost Your Energy When You Are Sleep Deprived

Let’s be real. If you’re a parent, chances are you’re no stranger to the sleep-deprived club. From the moment we cradle our precious bundles of joy, our sleep quality hovers between “poor” and “fair” for what feels like an eternity.

Back when my children were younger and sleepless nights were part of the deal, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes whenever neuroscientists extolled the virtues of a good night’s sleep. I resembled a walking zombie powered solely by caffeine, scoffing at anyone who dared suggest sleep was a superpower.

Fast forward a few years, and I stumbled upon Dr. Huberman’s podcast episode discussing the Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) protocol. This research-backed alternative to napping promises to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in just 10 to 20 minutes.

Two things immediately grabbed my attention: Dr. Huberman mentioned using NSDR after a poor night’s sleep, AND it required just a fraction of time.

A perfect solution for time-strapped, sleep-deprived parents, I reckoned. And the benefits? They abound.

So, let’s have a closer look at the NSDR protocol.

What is NSDR

Coined by Dr. Andrew Huberman, NSDR stands for “Non Sleep Deep Rest.” It draws from robust scientific research demonstrating how breathing and relaxation techniques induce deep relaxation, boosting focus, energy levels, and stress resilience.

“Non-sleep deep rest, or NSDR, is an umbrella term for a variety of practices that guide your brain and body into a state of deep relaxation without falling asleep completely. Yoga nidra (also called yogic sleep) is a more specific practice, typically involving a body scan or guided meditation while lying down.”

That’s how Dr Huberman defines NSDR on his website.

Essentially, it’s a meditative technique—a sort of pseudo-nap—that effectively recharges you, resets your brain, and replenishes your energy levels. Best of all, it’s completely free and demands minimal time investment.

Benefits of NSDR

Whenever your energy tank runs dry, NSDR can help you refill it, akin to a swift stop at a gas station.

Over time, consistent practice yields many positive outcomes for your well-being, including:

And also, according to Ellen Langer in The Mindful Body (check out our notes), mindfulness is contagious, implying that you could potentially spread these good vibes throughout your entire family.

Worth a shot, right?

My Go-To Protocol After a Sleepless Night (Or When I Need Energy Boost)

After hearing about NSDR on Dr. Huberman’s podcast, I wasted no time putting it into practice.

On a day when my energy tank was running on fumes, I searched for an NSDR technique on YouTube (this one), popped in my headphones, and grabbed a pillow.

Whether it was the placebo effect or the genuine magic of Yoga Nidra, within just 20 minutes, I felt revitalized and ready to conquer the world.

Since then, I’ve experimented with various iterations of the NSDR technique, even attempting the infamous “nappuccino” by downing a cup of coffee before practice.

Now I turn to NSDR when:

  • I’ve had a rough night’s sleep (much like that one),
  • I’m short on sleep due to travel, late nights out, or binge-watching sessions (guilty as charged),
  • My mind refuses to switch off, especially in the dead of night.

And I must admit, I wish I’d known about NSDR when my kids were younger, and I was stumbling through life like a sleep-deprived zombie!

It’s incredible how just 10 minutes of mindfulness can change how you feel.

Dr. Huberman recommends these NSDR protocols on his website, and trust me, they all work wonders:

10 minutes NSDR and Yoga Nidra Practice:


20 minutes NSDR:

So, if your sleep quality consistently hovers between “poor” and “fair,” I wholeheartedly recommend giving NSDR a try.

Let me know in the comments below if it made a difference for you.

Loads of love,


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