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A Simple Trick to Instantly Transform Your Mood and Bring Out Your Playful Side

Ever caught yourself in the midst of a parenting moment, only to realize that you’re not really enjoying playing with your kids? Maybe you’re too drained to summon the energy, or perhaps you feel clueless about how to let loose and have fun.

I’ve been there many times. So what I’m about to share is a simple trick that can instantly transform your mood and bring out your playful side.

And no, it’s not a glass of wine (although that might help, too, let’s be real).

A while back, I stumbled upon a science-backed trick to boost your spirits with… a smile. In short, when you flash a genuine smile (or replicate a famous pencil in the mouth experiment at home), your brain unleashes a delightful concoction of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin—those magnificent chemical messengers that put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye.

Then it hit me like a sack of potatoes. If a mere change in facial expression can make you happier, why not try pulling “a play face” to feel more playful?

As humans, we’re wired to pick up on play signals from others. So by giving playful signals to our own reflection, we can tap into that joyful energy.

I put this theory to the test multiple times this month, and you know what? It actually worked!

Now, I’m sure you know what a playful face looks like, but just in case, here’s a little script for you:

  1. Tilt your head slightly.
  2. Raise your eyebrows.
  3. Widening your eyes (or even giving them a playful squint if that feels more natural to you).
  4. Close your mouth and flash yourself a cheeky smile.

That’s my playful face ☺

playful facial expression

What’s more, I’ve discovered that this technique works wonders for shifting from a “boring, nagging parent” mode to a “playful parent” state of mind.

Now it’s your turn. Go on and give it a shot.

I promise you’ll find yourself in a playful mood in no time!

Loads of love,


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