In 2024, I managed to squeeze in 20 books.
That’s right—20. Not 30, not 50, and definitely not 100 like those super readers on Bookstagram. Just 20. And honestly, with all the chaos, new projects, and life with three kids, that was more than enough.
Fast forward to 2025, and guess what? Chaos didn’t exactly pack up and leave. With even more big projects on the horizon, I’m sticking to the same goal: 20 books.
It’s doable, realistic, and just ambitious enough to keep me from disappearing into the black hole of social media.
Since I didn’t manage to get through most of the books on my 2024 reading list, they’re all (well, almost) coming with me into 2025. Yep.
So, here we are. My 20-book list for 2025.
Parenting and Education
- Smart But Scattered By Peg Dawson, Richard Guare , et al. (get the book)
- Brainstorm By Daniel Siegel (get the book)
- The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt (get the book)
- 10 to 25 by David Yeager (get the book)
- Punished By Rewards By Alfie Kohn (get the book)
- The First National Bank of Dad by David Owen (get the book | read our notes)
- Grit For Kids by Lee David Daniels (get the book | read our notes)
Creativity and Productivity
- Out of Our Minds by Ken Robinson (get the book)
- The Element by Ken Robinson (get the book)
- Deep Work By Cal Newport (get the book | read our notes)
Mindset and Character
- The Power of Character Strengths By Robert McGrath and Ryan Niemiec (get the book)
- Mastery By Robert Greene (get the book)
- Every Moment Matters by John O’Sullivan (get the book)
Thinking and Decision Making
- Thinking In Systems By Donella H. Meadows and Diana Wright (get the book)
- Algorithms To Live By by Brian Christian and Tom Griffith (get the book)
- The Organised Mind by Daniel Levitin, Luke Daniels, et al. (get the book)
- It Takes What it Takes by Trevor Moawad and Andy Staples (get the book)
- Alchemy by Rory Sutherland (get the book)
Health and Longevity
- Why We Die by Venki Ramakrishnan (get the book)
- The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk (get the book)
Just like last year (and in 2022 and 2023), I’ll be sharing the notes on the blog and updating the list with all the relevant links as we go.
Happy New Reading Year!
With love,