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12 Commandments of Parenting

As I worked to identify my resolutions for the Wise Parenting Project, some overarching principles started to emerge.

I wrote them down, made a couple of revisions, and am now happy to share them with you.

My 12 Commandments of Parenting:

  1. Love unconditionally
  2. Foster connection
  3. Embrace every child’s uniqueness and focus on strengths
  4. Dig deeper – behaviours have meaning
  5. Parent with the end in mind
  6. Set healthy boundaries
  7. Be a leader and set the example
  8. Nurture growth mindset
  9. Focus on positive emotions and have fun
  10. Coaching, not controlling
  11. Communicate your expectations
  12. Create memories


I found writing my 12 Commandments of Parenting a very useful exercise, which helped me crystallise my core parenting principles. 

These commandments are a kind of cheat codes that guide our actions and thoughts and help us make better decisions. The secret ingredient here is that they should be deeply rooted in our core values.

I’ll write more about each of them during the year.

In the meantime, I hope this will inspire you to write your own Commandments of Parenting. Feel free to share with me below in the comments!

Loads of love,


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